Embark on your IFYE adventure now...
Travel for three month through USA, Norway or Finland
or spend 6 to 10 weeks in Estonia, Austria, Switzerland, Slowenia or South Korea.
IFYE Exchange

The IFYE's are represented in many countries. We offer you an exchange with many different countries.

We have collected some questions that we are asked again and again and published them here for you.

Would you like to apply for the IFYE exchange? Then we need a cover letter and a CV from you.
the 3 months in Montana, I was able to gain many new experiences and
meet fascinating people. The natural spectacles between the Rocky
Mountains and the prairie made a lasting impression on me."
Jan Bley, 27 years old, IFYE 2018
Country: USA, Montana, 3 Month
You can find further experiences of the former outgoings and the introduction of the new outgoings here:
Host Families
Do you and your family want to add a little zest to your everyday life and get to know other cultures? Then you are exactly right with us!
Every year we are looking for host families who will host incoming guests from our partner countries for a few weeks. Find out now!
European IFYE Conference 2024
In 2024, the annual European IFYE conference will take place in Northern Germany. Further information can be found at www.moin2024.de . You can find the invitation film here:

President and Contact for Questions:
Jens Häußermann
Tel.: +49 (0) 173 7482823
E-Mail: info(at)ifyegermany.de
Jens Huntemann
Ossendamm 10
26209 Hatten